What is UK100? What is Net Zero? What are the benefits of becoming a UK100 member? How do Net Zero Pathfinders work with local authorities? What is the UK100 Pledge? Does the UK100 Membership Pledge include any specific targets? What is the Countryside Climate Network (CCN)? How can councils set an areawide target if they don't have power over their emissions? Does the Membership Pledge ask councils to adopt any specific policies? What about "15-minute" cities? How do we choose what targets we include in our Membership Pledge? Is our Membership Pledge legally binding? How do councils sign up to UK100? Does a district or borough council automatically become a member if the upper-tier authority in the area has signed up to UK100? Does it cost anything to join UK100? How is membership of UK100 renewed, withdrawn or ended? How is UK100 funded?
Who are UK100?
We are a cross-party membership organisation that supports the most ambitious councils to go further and faster on their Net Zero and Clean Air targets.
Local authorities have a unique leadership role in tackling the climate crisis and UK100's role is to foster collaboration with them.
We facilitate knowledge-sharing between members, encourage partnership-building and provide leadership and outreach mentoring.
What is Net Zero?
The term Net Zero means eliminating greenhouse gas emissions or reducing them to a level where they're balanced by the level of emissions that can be removed from the atmosphere.
UK100 sees Net Zero as a vision for a future where communities can thrive and the potential of local economies is unlocked.
It's about creating a better future for everyone. Because adopting a local-first Net Zero policies will create more new jobs, drive local economic growth, and save billions compared to a top-down approach.
Net Zero could support households to reduce their energy bills; create safer streets; deliver cleaner air, and help connect communities.
What are the benefits of becoming a UK100 member?
We support local authorities in fulfilling their commitments to delivering local Net Zero by:
- Facilitating dialogue with national politicians and senior officials across Whitehall and amplifying the voices of local leaders via collective advocacy to national government
- Enabling knowledge sharing between our members including meetings, webinars, roundtables and workshops — promoting best practice via social media and newsletters
- Providing tailored insights, evidence and recommendations on the challenges and solutions to local Net Zero while inviting members to inform and participate in research
- Connecting local leaders with world-leading business and industry leaders to help local authorities plan and implement the solutions needed to reduce emissions in their local area, and
- Demonstrating the collective ambition, commitment and ability of democratically elected local leaders to deliver Net Zero.
UK100 has two membership models, a paid model offering access to our full range of benefits, and a free 'ally' model offering access to select benefits. Find out more about our membership here.
How do UK100 consultants work with local authorities?
Local authorities participating in the Local Power in Action programme have asked UK100 for support on their chosen projects and direct the work of Net Zero Pathfinders so they can overcome barriers to delivery.
Net Zero Pathfinders are consultants without decision-making powers, they provide advice and expertise but they aren't embedded in councils.
Ultimately, democratically elected leaders decide if any recommendations are implemented. And before they are, the projects are subject to public consultation, too.
What is the UK100 Membership Pledge?
To become a UK100 member, we ask you to sign our Membership Pledge that shows your support in tackling the climate emergency together.
You can read it here.
Does the UK100 Membership Pledge include any specific targets?
Target one: Councils need to set ambitious Net Zero targets for greenhouse emissions of 2030* for council operations and 2045* for areawide emissions:
Combined authorities
- Net Zero target date for council operations: 2045
- Net Zero target date for areawide emissions: 2045
County councils
- Net Zero target date for council operations: 2030
- Net Zero target date for areawide emissions: 2050
Unitary councils, metropolitan, London boroughs and districts
- Net Zero target date for council operations: 2030
- Net Zero target date for areawide emissions: 2045
Target two: Councils should report annually on their Scope 1 emissions. And Scope 2 council emissions and areawide emissions. Find out more about Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.
Target three: Councils need to commit to limiting the use of offsets but if they are used, to use them as locally as possible.
* There is an exception on Net Zero target dates for counties and combined authorities due to their size, strategic scale, wide-ranging responsibilities and sometimes rural geography which means they have different powers and responsibilities. There is also an exception for local authorities if their combined science-based target, for both their council operations and area-wide emissions, is to reach Net Zero by 2045
What is the Countryside Climate Network (CCN)?
The CCN is a sub-group of UK100 members whose authority covers predominantly rural areas.
If a local authority member joins as a paid member and fits into this subgroup, they're eligible to become a member of the CCN and gain access to specific meetings and events.
CCN leaders can also participate in quarterly CCN meetings or elect an appropriate cabinet member representative to represent them.
How can councils set an areawide target if they don't have power over their emissions?
Although our Membership Pledge urges local leaders to do everything they can, it recognises they might not have the necessary powers to reach our Net Zero targets.
The Membership Pledge means we can continue our dialogue with the government and apply more pressure on ministers to make policy changes which could enable local leaders to deliver.
Does the Membership Pledge ask councils to adopt specific policies?
No, while UK100 may make policy recommendations at the local and national levels, we believe local leaders know their area best and will work to empower them instead.
What about "15-minute" cities, towns or neighbourhoods?
The “15-minute” city concept aims to promote and support active travel by ensuring communities have what they need (like schools and GPs) closer to where they live — it doesn’t impose any restrictions on how or where people can travel.
We don’t mandate our members to introduce “15-minute” cities and they aren’t a condition of UK100 membership.
There are currently few examples of planning policies and interventions that could be considered “15-minute” cities in the UK. Although we support local authorities' action to decarbonise transport, promote active travel, support public transport, and reduce air pollution in neighbourhoods across the country — we haven’t advocated or called for the widespread adoption of “15-minute” cities.
How do we choose what targets we include in our Membership Pledge?
We run a consultative process with our Board, advisory council, and existing members to help us decide what our priorities should be and when we should aim to deliver them.
Is our Membership Pledge legally binding?
But if the targets in the Membership Pledge are adopted by a council and set as an official policy, elected members will be accountable in the same way they are for other policies they’ve publicly committed to.
How do councils sign up to UK100?
To become a member, we encourage you to read our membership brochure. Once you're keen to proceed, we recommend making the final decision through publicly accessible channels, such as seeking formal cabinet approval or putting a motion on membership to the full council.
Get in touch with membership@uk100.org, and we can arrange a meeting to go through any questions you have.
Does a district or borough council automatically become a member if the upper-tier authority has signed up to UK100?
No. Due to different powers and responsibilities, we ask councils in two-tier areas to sign up as members separately.
This is so both councils can take full advantage of the benefits and distinguish between the different Net Zero targets they may have.
Does it cost anything to join UK100?
As a small NGO, UK100 is committed to supporting local authorities in achieving their ambitious net zero targets. To enhance the breadth of the network, alongside the resources, advocacy, and bespoke support we provide, we have two types of membership. A paid membership model offering full access to a range of membership benefits, and an ally model offering select access to our membership programme.
The membership fees enable us to sustain and expand our work, ensuring we continue delivering valuable initiatives, research, and services that empower our members to lead on local climate action.
Read our membership brochure for further details on our full membership package and pricing. Please get in touch with membership@uk100.org to go through any questions you have.
How is membership of UK100 renewed, withdrawn or ended?
UK100 membership can be ended in various different ways, depending on a council's membership subscription. Please email membership@uk100.org for further information.
How is UK100 funded?
UK100 is an independently run membership network and a not-for-profit private company limited by guarantee without share capital.
Currently, we receive funding from membership fees, the European Climate Foundation, and our Business Supporters Network.
Want to know more? See our accounts on Companies House.