Toolkit: Navigating the Net Zero Energy Transition

UK100, UK Power Networks DSO
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Local Powers

What’s this energy toolkit about? 

The UK has set a legally binding target to reach net zero by 2050 and the new Government has ambitions to decarbonise the energy grid by 2030 with a mission to make the UK a ‘clean energy superpower’.

This energy transition requires us to think in new ways, being more dynamic and agile in line with changing technological and social conditions and working in much stronger collaboration with others.

During this period of immense change in the energy sector, there are significant opportunities for local authorities to lead and shape their local energy system. Local government has a vital role to play in shaping local infrastructure that works for their residents and businesses while unlocking sustainable growth and delivering Net Zero.

UK100 and UK Power Networks Distribution System Operator (DSO) are partnering to deliver an energy toolkit that highlights actionable steps to support local authorities to lead in energy transformation. It will help you to respond to the new government’s ambitious plans to decarbonise the energy system and deliver economic growth. It includes practical advice on how you can seize opportunities in renewable energy and explore new income streams for local councils. It will also equip you to develop local decarbonisation pathways like Local Area Energy Plans (LAEPs), or other plans you are working on to enable more clean energy in your region.

Why do you need this toolkit?

  • It will help you understand the energy system and how it is evolving

  • The energy system is changing as it shifts to clean energy, with more localised generation and a much more dynamic model of operating with more opportunities to get involved. This toolkit will get you up to speed on these changes and what they mean for you.

  • It will outline how you, as a local authority, can shape the energy system and achieve your Net Zero targets

  • There are various strategic steps and key actions that you can take to drive the energy transition.  This toolkit highlights that a local energy plan and preferably a Local Area Energy Plan (LAEP) is a key step that your local council can take towards your decarbonisation journey, presenting case studies and examples of local authorities that have benefited from the process.
  • It also shows how you can facilitate the electric vehicle transition, decarbonise your own energy usage, engage with solutions like flexibility and storage, improve energy efficiency on buildings and support your communities and businesses with their transition.
  • It will explain what is a a distribution network operator (DNO) / distribution system operator (DSO) and why they matter to you

  • The role of your local DNO and DSO is crucial towards your Net Zero targets. The DNO is responsible for helping local authorities connect EV charge points, new buildings and green energy to the network efficiently and on time. The DSO provides strategic support for longer-term projects, advising on the most cost-efficient solutions for you.
  • This toolkit highlights how you can make best use of the various support functions that the DSO provides, with case studies to build a strong partnership with your local DSO. 
  • It will explain who else can help you on your journey to Net Zero

  • There are various other stakeholders that can support you with your journey. This toolkit highlights how you can collaborate and benefit from engaging with Community Energy Organisations, Net Zero Hubs, and Regional Energy Strategic Planners (RESPs) to unlock local decarbonisation. 
  • It will explain how you can finance your local energy plans

  • We give you a snapshot of how to finance this transition and an overview of some of the options available. We highlight the need to find new approaches and focus on project development and de-risking investment opportunities to attract further private and public investment.  

On September 12, we also hosted a webinar to launch this toolkit. Watch below for further information on the energy transition and what role you can play within this.

Need any support?

  • Check who your distribution company is here.
  • Check the key DSO contact for your area on the last page here.
  • If you are in London, South East or East of England, reach out to UK Power Networks DSO - Local Net Zero team:
  • For additional support, reach out to UK100: