UK100 response to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) consultation

Patrick Hargreaves
Built environment
Homes & Buildings
Outreach Logo UK100
Local Powers
In our response to the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government consultation on the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), we argued that the NPPF must prioritise climate change as the primary focus of planning. We called for stronger support for local climate action, explicit carbon impact assessments, and greater protection for carbon-sequestering habitats while emphasising the need to align with Net Zero goals.

UK100 has submitted a response to the government's consultation on the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The NPPF sets out the government's planning policies for England and how these should be applied.

In its response, UK100 emphasised that whilst the planning system has a crucial role in addressing climate change, the current NPPF is not adequately equipped to meet this challenge. UK100 outlined three key priorities for reform:

  1. Redefining the purpose of planning in the NPPF to explicitly prioritise climate action
  2. Mandating that carbon impacts of planning proposals be accounted for in decision-making
  3. Strengthening the NPPF's guidance on climate resilience and adaptation

UK100 called for the NPPF to align with the UK's legal requirements under the Climate Change Act, empower local authorities to prioritise climate objectives, and ensure developers make Net Zero a core commitment in new developments.

Additionally, UK100 advocated for:

  • Comprehensive training for the Planning Inspectorate on Net Zero policies
  • Support for local plans that enable delivery of Net Zero goals
  • Prioritisation of local area energy planning
  • Greater protections for carbon-sequestering habitats
  • Fair compensation for communities hosting renewable energy infrastructure

UK100 has also signed a joint statement to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, coordinated by Rights Community Action. This statement, signed by multiple organisations, calls for the insertion of specific wording into the NPPF to clarify the relationship between planning decisions and the Government's statutory carbon budgets, emphasising that addressing climate change should be the principal concern for sustainable development in planning.

Overall, UK100 urged the government to make climate change the primary priority in the planning system, working with local leaders to ensure the NPPF supports the transition to Net Zero and the creation of climate-resilient communities.
